Δευ-Παρ – 7.30-13.05
Τηλέφωνο: 24815872
Τηλεομοιότυπο: 24815873


KA122-SCH - Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education

Title :“No Child Left Behind - Κανένα παιδί δεν μένει πίσω”

We want to provide a high-quality education to all students while promoting a shared set of values. We aim to create an inclusive, safe, and supportive learning environment for all. Our participation in the Erasmus+ program is a perfect opportunity, especially since we are new to the action, to develop and revitalize our teaching and learning. This program will provide a motivational boost for teachers and students to improve and bring their newly acquired knowledge and skills to the classroom.

Our goal for the implementation of this project is to address the daily challenges faced by our organization and, in particular, to : acquire updated knowledge and practical experience in our priority subjects, adopt modern and innovative teaching methods, and enhance the overall school atmosphere. Gain insights from other European educational systems through exchanging best practices in promoting inclusivity, technology integration, and collaborative learning.

Teachers will network with colleagues from other countries, broaden their educational perspectives, and learn new and innovative teaching and learning methods that they can incorporate into their classrooms. They will learn about best practices in using technology and promoting well-being. Students will improve their language and skills in using new technologies and will have the opportunity to experience different ways of life, fostering intercultural understanding, tolerance, and respect.


KA220-School Education, Cooperation Partnerships


Project Title: Empowering Schools: Prevention and Intervention measures to Enhance Youth Resilience


Fostering resilience in youth ages 11-15 from diverse backgrounds, in particular those with fewer opportunities in collaboration with primary and lower-secondary schools, pedagogical staff and parents. This collaborative approach aims to provide targeted support and guidance to enhance the resilience levels of youth and the identified individuals exhibiting low resilience, fostering a supportive environment conducive to addressing their specific challenges and needs. This development can have a sustained influence on their personal lives and the communities in which they actively participate.


The project will propose a complex prevention and intervention path (Model, development programme, digital tools, microlearning, other supporting

resources) for primary and lower-secondary schools which will center around collaborative group work involving teachers, tutors, school specialists, pedagogues, psychologists and parents/ adults working together with youth.