Δευ-Παρ – 7.30-13.05
Τηλέφωνο: 24815872
Τηλεομοιότυπο: 24815873

Cultures Connect: A Global Journey of Joy and Unity (Γ΄ και Ε΄ Τάξεις)

Cultures Connect: A Global Journey of Joy and Unity (Γ και Ε Τάξεις)


Embark on a dynamic global exploration with our eTwinning project, "Cultures Connect: A Global Journey of Joy and Unity," where three primary schools from Italy, Greece, and Cyprus collaborate to celebrate the diversity of their cultures. Throughout this engaging experience, students will actively participate in outdoor learning, deepening their connection with surroundings and promoting well-being. By sharing experiences, thoughts, and creative expressions, the project aims to cultivate a sense of unity and understanding among participants. From embracing the joy of shared traditions to immersing themselves in the beauty of the outdoors, "Cultures Connect" unfolds as a unique opportunity for cross-cultural exchange, promoting not only global awareness but also the well-being of our students in a collaborative and enriching environment.


• Foster an appreciation for cultural diversity among students from Italy, Greece, and Cyprus by actively engaging in collaborative activities that celebrate and highlight the unique aspects of each culture.

• Cultivate a sense of unity and understanding among participants through the exchange of experiences, thoughts, and creative expressions, promoting empathy and global awareness.

• Encourage active participation in outdoor learning activities to deepen students' connection with their surroundings, enhance well-being, and promote a holistic approach to education.

• Motivate students to collaboratively explore various themes, traditions, and natural elements, fostering teamwork and shared learning experiences.

• Develop digital citizenship skills by using collaborative tools, ensuring responsible and respectful communication during the virtual exchange.

• Build lasting connections and friendships among students from different countries, creating a sense of global unity and a shared journey of joy across borders.

• Encourage creative expression through various activities, allowing students to showcase their unique perspectives, talents, and ideas, fostering a vibrant exchange of creativity.

• Provide a well-rounded educational experience that not only focuses on learning but also promotes the social, emotional, and cultural development of participating students.

Work process

In this eTwinning adventure three primary schools from Italy, Greece, and Cyprus come together to explore, learn, and celebrate the rich tapestry of our diverse cultures. Through a series of engaging activities spanning December to May, our students will embark on a virtual journey that fosters creativity, understanding, and friendship.


Expected results

The project anticipates several positive outcomes:

• Increased appreciation and understanding of the cultural diversity among participating students, fostering a more inclusive and open-minded mindset.

• Heightened global awareness and knowledge about the customs, traditions, and ways of life in Italy, Greece, Cyprus, and other partner countries.

• Enhanced cross-cultural understanding and empathy, as students actively engage in sharing experiences and creative expressions, breaking down cultural barriers.

• Improved connection with nature and enhanced well-being among students through active participation in outdoor learning activities.


The project is also expected to yield tangible results that showcase the impact and success of the collaboration:

• Creation of digital artifacts such as collaborative documents, presentations, and online passports that serve as tangible records of the students' cross-cultural journey.

• A showcase, either virtual or physical, featuring documented outdoor learning experiences, photographs, and reflections from each participating school.